Self Fulfilling Prophecy

Today I was schooled by my 8 year old…here is what happened. “Dante, you should put your skipping ropes in this little backpack here.” I picked up a blue and grey backpack and motioned for Dante to put his skipping ropes in there. “I’m...

Why is it so hard to say “I love you”?

Dear Universe, What should we talk about today? Universe: “I love you”. You say that more to your cats than the people around you. May: I know right?! Why is it so hard for people to say “I love you”? U: Because it makes them feel vulnerable....

Children and Imaginary Friends

“Do you have an imaginary friend?” Dante (8 years old) asked. “When I was a little girl, I saw a lot of monkeys once when I was very sick.” I replied, “Do you have an imaginary friend?” “Yes I do! His name is Alfred!”...

Unwavering Belief

I was getting ready to do my work for the day when I received this message: As you begin your work, hold onto the unwavering belief that you can make a difference in the lives of others. So many times I am plagued by the belief that I am not that useful or that others...

A Six Year Old’s View on God

This is an inspirational story about a conversation I had with my six year old about God. Yesterday I was putting the kids to bed when we were talking about managing our energy. I was teaching them about how kids can be very hyper if they don’t learn how to...

How Money Flows

I had a conversation today with my friend and accountability partner and he shared an inspirational story about attracting money. “I need to have a full roster of clients.” My friend said to me. “Why?” I asked, “How can that help...

The Galactic Janitor

Today I had a really hard time training my nanny. It was like I have to train someone from the ground up. I came back from a grocery shopping trip with some canned artichokes and she asked me, “Can you tell me where to put these cans?” “Where do you...

Dissolving Your Inner Critic

I am in the process of designing a series of what I call Functional Meditations. These meditations are designed to help you access your own inner wisdom in a variety of situations. The first one I am in the process of creating is a meditation to help people deal with...

Meeting the Birth Mother

I had a chance to sit down with Business and Marketing Consultant Aaron Cruikshank to talk about something dear to his heart. Aaron was adopted as a little baby. When he in his mid-30s, he began a quest to find his birth mother. This inspirational story allowed me to...

No Need to Spoil Me Mommy

This is a continuation from my previous post called the Consequences of Trying to Spoil My Kids where I spoke about the lessons I learned from trying too hard to spoil my children. In this video, my seven year old son tells me how much candy and chocolate I should be...