Yesterday I got hypnotized.  This wasn’t the first time I got hypnotized.  My first experience with hypnosis was March 2007.  Since then, I have had 3 past life regressions which I will write about soon but the session yesterday was different from what I was used to doing.

Prior to my session with my friend Suzy, who had recently became a hypnotherapist, I had this feeling that I didn’t want to see a past life.  I had wanted to be hypnotized again because I am currently experiencing some interesting aches and pains in my body and I wanted to see why I was having these issues.  I am a strong believer that my physical state is very much influenced by my emotional and spiritual state and I was hoping to find some answers.  Maybe on a subconscious level I knew that I needed to do something else — I needed to tap into the wisdom of my higher self and guides.

Unlike other past life regression sessions I have had, I cannot remember much from the session I had with Suzy yesterday.  I think the Ego always wants me to forget my higher purpose in exchange for self preservation and security.

Here is what I remember:

Suzy: “Would the higher self and guides of May come forward please”.

May: “Er, we’re here!”

Suzy: “Who are you?”

May: “We are May!”

Suzy: “Can you tell me why May is having issues with her back and wrist?”

May: “This should not be surprising to May.  We have done this before, and she knows it.  Every time her life was not going in the way that is a fit for her higher purpose, we will get her attention some how.”

Suzy: “What is May’s higher purpose?”

May: “Joy! LOTS of JOY!”

Suzy: “Can you elaborate more?”

May: “Well, May is having the ball of her life.  Her life is full of joy and love but she is afraid that life can’t really be this good.  She is afraid that something might come along and take away all the love and joy in her life.  What we want her to know is that life really IS that good and it can only get better.  We wanted to point it out to her that she needs to learn to ACCEPT and RECEIVE the joy that is being given to her.”

Suzy: “She is worried about having enough money to do all that she wants to do.”

May: “She doesn’t need to worry about the money at all! As long as she is serving her highest purpose, then she is abundant!  Didn’t she see something like ‘get an MBNA Mastercard at 0% financing for 15 months?’ In the realm of spirit, we don’t really care where the money comes from and it doesn’t matter where the money comes from.”

Suzy: “What would you say is May’s purpose here?”

May: “May knows what her purpose here is but maybe she needs a little reminder.  She is here to share her joy with people.  She is here to walk the talk. She is here to live an extraordinary life and show others they can do the same.  The next evolution in her life is stepping outside of her ‘self’.  In the past 4 years, May spent her time and energy on herself, now she is going beyond the realm of ‘self’ and into ‘Oneness’.  She has a lot of work to do and she knows that.  She may be worried that there are tons of people doing this out there already and there might not be enough people she can help.  What we are saying is that there can never be enough people.  We need MORE people to work on raising the vibration of our planet, we need more people to believe that basking in the light of joy is possible.  May knows that there is particularly a lot of work that needs to be done in Asia.  Those who can be helped by May will be attracted to May.  There is never enough work to be done to raise the vibration of the planet.  Those who pursue their highest purpose here shall be abundant.  May is caught up on some of the things that are happening in the company she had created before but we want to remind her that what is bothering her is so insignificant in the grand scheme of things.  In fact, the higher selves of those involved are conspiring to nudge May to do the work she needs to do.

Suzy: “What do you mean by Oneness?”

May: “We are many parts of a whole, we all come from the same place and we are all going back to the same place.  We are all going back to where we came from, to become One with love and joy.”  (Strangely enough, this passage is the hardest to remember and I feel my ego protesting as I write).

Suzy: “Do you have any advice on how May can carry out her higher purpose?”

May: “All we have to say is read and write, read and write, read and write.  We hesitate to say more at this time.”

End of Session

What I do also remember is seeing myself talking to groups of people.  Very big groups of people.  I also remember that this is not the first time I told myself what I am here to do but never has it been as clear as this time around.  I did an automatic writing session that resulted in something very similar.